Parent Resources
Welcome, Parents!
We are so pleased that you have chosen St. Mary's school for your child. We hope this resource page will be helpful to you. We feel so fortunate to be able to come alongside you as your children's educators - thank you for entrusting them to us, it is a true privilege.
St. Mary's 101
Mrs. England-Burnside has compiled some wonderful summer reading options! Rising 2nd-5th grade students have required reading that should be completed prior to the start of the school year.
Please see below for your child's suggested and required reading.
St. Mary's branded uniform items can be purchased through Lands' End online or from a St. Mary's Closet pop-up shop.
St. Mary's Uniform Requirements:
Early Threes and Preschool: Lands' End Tote Bag and Lunch Box
Pre-K: Lands' End Tote Bag and Lunch Box, St. Mary's t-shirt
Kindergarten - 5th: Wearing full uniform, including chapel dress on Wednesdays. Navy niform pieces should be purchased through Lands' End online. Khaki items may be from a store of your choosing but must be uniform quality. Students may choose their own backpack & lunch box.
School lunch is available for children in Kindergarten-5th Grade. Early Threes, Preschool, and Pre-K students bring lunch from home.
Lunches must be ordered the Monday prior to the following week. Lunch ordering is completed online through your Family Portal Account.
We are incredibly fortunate to have an active Parent Organization (PO). The PO meets on the first Thursday of the month at 8:30 in Taylor Hall. For more information on the PO and their current projects, please visit their page.
Looking to get involved? Browse our volunteer guide here.
All major school events will be posted on our calendar. For classroom-specific events, please get in touch with your child's teacher.
The SMES office is open daily from 7:45 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Morning carpool for all grade levels begins at 8:15 a.m.
Afternoon carpool for Early Threes, Preschool & Pre-K begins at 2:15 p.m.
Afternoon carpool for K-5 students begins at 3:15 p.m.
Before & After School Care is available for all ages.
Payment of tuition and fees can be coordinated through our business office.